7 Most Popular Health And Nutritional Studies Of 2016

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a physical disorder, the nutrients that fight migraines, walnuts reduce stress, diet tips for improve memory and more…

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Below are the most popular studies from HealthiestBlog this year, for more information, click on the links:

1. Chronic fatigue syndrome is NOT all in the mind

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an abnormal condition with persistent fatigue that affects everyday life and won’t go away with rest.

Many physicians are confused by this condition and misdiagnose it as a psychological disorder.

But a new study suggests that it is actually a physical disorder caused by bacteria in the gut.

For the first time, researchers from Cornell University correctly diagnosed myalgic encephalomyeletis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in 83% of patients through their blood and stool samples.

2. Migraines linked to lack of specific vitamins

Mild deficiency of coenzyme Q10, riboflavin and vitamin D has been found in a high percentage of patients with migraines.

Researchers from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center found that supplementation of coenzyme Q10, riboflavin and vitamin D may benefit migraine patients.

Young women and girls were more likely to be deficient  in coenzyme Q10 compared to young men and boys.

However, young men and boys were more likely to be deficient in vitamin D.

3. Reading books can extend your life two years

A study reveals that reading books can enhance lifespan for up to two years and improve the quality of life.

People who read books for just 30 minutes a day lived two years longer compared to non-book readers.

Many studies addressing the benefits of reading books have pointed out that reading books is not just for passing time.

One example of this is a recent study which shows how reading fiction can improve empathy.

4. Walnuts improve the body’s stress response

Walnuts and walnut oil in the diet can help the body’s response to stress, research finds.

The average daily serving in the study was 1.3 ounces (37 grams), which is about 9 whole walnuts and a tablespoon of walnut oil.

Several studies have shown the importance of alpha linolenic acid in lowering low density lipoproteins (LDL), also known as the bad cholesterol.

Alpha linolenic acid is an omega-3 fatty acid found in plants such as flaxseeds and walnuts.

In addition, these foods can also lower biomarkers such as c-reactive protein, which rise in response to inflammation and stress.

5. Mental and physical exercise both improve brain function

Both mental and physical exercise can improve cognitive ageing and brain function.

A study shows that we need cognitive training  to improve executive function and aerobic exercises for improving memory.

In this study, healthy adults who were in the cognitive training group showed around an 8 per cent increase in brain blood flow and positive changes in brain function compared to those in the aerobic exercise group.

Compared to the cognitive training group, though, the exercisers showed a boost in immediate and delayed memory performance.

6. High-fat diet kills memory

Consumption of high-fat-content foods causes reduction of glucose levels in the brain, a study shows.

Three days of a high-fat diet in mice led to a depletion of blood glucose reaching the brain and unbalanced the body.

It took more than four weeks for the brain to restore the sugar uptake at a cost to the rest of the body.

Glucose is the primary fuel and the main source of energy for the brain.

When the brain does not get the fuel, this will affect cognitive skills and memory.

7. Blend of 30 vitamins reverses brain aging

A blend of thirty vitamins and minerals from natural ingredients has shown interesting results on the aging brain, a study has found.

The blend of supplements — all of which are available in health food stores — contains anti-aging properties which have remarkable effects on preventing brain cell loss in mice.

The researchers from McMaster University believe that this mixture could slow down neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS in humans as well.

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